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UV phosphor JUP-1840 

Code No.: JUP-1840

Boron strontium oxide (B4SrO7), europium-doped
Strontium borate, europium doped

UVA phosphor SEB

Formula: SrB4O7:Eu
CAS No.: 71786-49-7

The material is emitted ultraviolet rays ranging from 350 to 400nm excitated by UV ray at 253.7nm. It is the material used as luminophore for manufacturing photocopy lamp, blacklight lamp, medical lamp and UV-emitting lamp series A.

Technology Index:
1.No visible mechanical impurity is allowed inside the powder
2.No remains through screen 80 interval/cm
3.Density: ≤3.5g/cm³
4.Median particle diameter:D5015μm
5.Relative luminosity: 100% of the standard sample
6.Main peak wavelength of the emitting spectrum:368nm

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